Time for dreams. Walk from Brighton
to Rottingdean
during project week 7. |
- "When you stop dreamin' it's time to die" - Blind Melon
One reason why I embarked on the
Swenglish journey was that I had stopped dreaming. I thought that I'd experienced everything that was worth experiencing in life.
I longed for nothing. That's why I asked the 30 Swenglish participants about their dreams. In hope of new inspiration, visions and life joy.
What people in England dreamed about
“To find love again, to be capable of loving”
recognition of my work as a poet”
my books published. Having my own security, my own property”
“Living in a complete freedom. Not being dependent on the monetary system, being completely off the grid, having my own family that feel very supportive of each other”
always be really good at what I’m doing at the moment”
win an Oscar for a highly acclaimed film performance”
“To have money and be able to do creative things full time”
“To have a healthy family”
“To feel like I've done something worthwhile while I was on earth, to feel that wehn I do die I've done something that I'm really proud of”
win the Pulitzer Prize and go round the world on book tours”
just want to be happy, enjoying my work, my environment and my friends”
“Being well in my head”
have enough of a career to keep me safe. Carry on doing what I’m doing”
be in the body I want to be in, to be a really beautiful woman”
“To come to some kind of global situation where the whole human population realises that we're all interconnected and somehow get global politics to reflect that”
What people in Sweden dreamed about
“To create something that can affect another person, no matter if it's a record or a book”
“That my child will lead a happy life”
“Simply to feel happy, to somehow become a whole person”
“To live in a Västerbotten cottage, work as an archaeologist and for everything ot be hunky-dory”
healthy and be able to travel a lot”
“That it will be peace and everyone's essential needs will be met ”
“To make music and put out records that people will love and be touched by for decades to come"
“That my children will have whole and healthy families"
“Writing a bestselling novell"
“To become a designer and work with what I want to do. And have a family"
“To move on within the union and that it goes well. Start writing again"
“To get rid of my back ache and that my mum gets rid of her back ache"
“That all violent conflicts would end"
“A holiday home abroad where you can live in winter"
“To be happily in love and that it's mutual"
Health, love and creative success
People are quite similar really. Many mostly wish for good health. Because if you don't feel well everything feels hard. A trivial conclusion that anyone could have come up with. But sometimes you (read I) need to be reminded.
And love is very important. But a traditional relationship with only one partner isn't the only love there is. During the project I realised how important friends are. Different friends. Many friends.
And then we have the creative success ... Of course it would be fantastic to write a bestseller. But that's no guarantee for happiness. Now, 2,5 years after I finished the Swenglish project, I still don't have any grand dreams. But I dream a bit everyday. About writing a really good poem. About being able to make my whole living from different writing jobs. About ... yes, to feel okay with just being me and not care about what other people think. Then it would be nice with peace on earth of course. I admire those Swenglish participants who looked outside themselves and dreamed about a better world for all people.
This study is by no means scientific, the answers are based on interviewing 15 people in England and 15 people in Sweden, aged 22-59. This was the last questions, but I will still share my Swenglish thoughts on this blog now and again, so please come back!