Thursday, 3 October 2013

Question 12: Where Do You See Yourself in One, Five and Ten Years Time?

IMG_3860"Where do you see yourself in one, five or ten years time?" is a question that famous people often have to answer in interviews. Many of the Swenglish participants found it hard to look into the crystal ball ... ("It never turns out that way anyway.") I couldn't see any clear differences between England and Sweden when it came to future visions, so I've put the answers together. 
What's interesting to note is that 9 of the 30 people I stayed with have moved (or are about to move) since I stayed with them last year! Perhaps I set something in motion ...
In One Year
16 of 30 people thought that they would be living a similar life. However the majority of these people thought that they would have developed more workwise and most of the people who were into something creative hoped that they would have finished a book/a record/other creation.
6 of 30 people thought that they would have moved. Either to a place of their own or moving in with someone.
2 of 30 people thought that they would be trying for children.
3 of 30 people hoped that they would have found a partner.
In Five Years
Most people just wanted "more and better" of the same. Earn more money and work with what they really wanted to do instead of just doing a day job. Get more recognition for what they were good at. Someone wanted a more international life. Travel more. Some people mentioned buying a house. A couple mentioned kids or "more kids". 
In Ten Years
"I could be dead".
"If I haven't burnt out and am on sick leave I will have carried on with x and y and have specialised in some area."
"Then I've been married and am divorced".
Not everyone came up with "dark" answers. Once again many mentioned loving relationships and children and development in the area of their passion. One person didn't think of himself at all: he just thought about where the world was heading: "This civilisation is either gone or we will live in a completely different world".
9 of 30 mentioned that they wanted to live in a house and 7 of those 9 people wanted live in the countryside either with their family or in a community.
6 of 30 thought that they would live or work abroad or at least have a holiday home abroad. 
5 of 30 people hoped and thought that they would be more confident or have better self esteem. 
My Future Vision
In one years time my Swenglish book will be out in the shops, my English novel will be on its way too, I'm studying something, perhaps literature, psychology or anthroplogy and I'm doing performance poetry.
In five years time I'm working with several writing related projects, perhaps international somehow, and I'm madly in love in a good way.
In ten years time I'm laughing at the person I am today. And live I will. Close to nature. 
This study is by no means scientific, the answers are based on interviewing 15 people in England and 15 people in Sweden, aged 22-59. Look out for the next question: How different is your life now compared to how you thought it would be when you were younger?

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